Badger struck by a vehicle

Updated 3 years ago
Rescue - 19th September, 2021
Release - 15th October, 2021


This male badger needed a rescue after being hit by a car. Although mobile and using all four legs when we arrived on scene, he had clearly suffered quite the knock and was taken back to the centre for help.


On arrival, Sally, our lead vet, was on hand to give him a full examination. In addition to several patches of 'road rash' to his chin, legs and belly, he had suffered a nasty wound to one paw and this was cleaned, sutured and dressed.

In order to keep the wound clean, regular dressing changes were an essential part of the rehabilitation process.


Having been with us for just over a month, his paw had healed beautifully and he was fully mobile once more! After being set free, he shot off back home without a single sign of difficulty!

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