Broken blue tit's future lies in the balance

Updated 2 years ago
Rescue - 15th December, 2022
Rehabilitation - 20th December, 2022


It's often impossibly difficult to operate on such small birds, such as this gorgeous blue tit. With their bones just millimetres thick, you need the lightest touch to pin them back in place. We are currently seeking specialist advice, to see if we can help this poor bird, because if the fractures heal in their current position, she will be unable to fly.


We are so thrilled to say that our broken winged blue tit has been given a second chance at life! Thanks to the fantastic orthopaedic skills of vet, Maks Carey, the fracture was stabilised using a very small needle. Now, only time will tell if the bone will heal correctly and the blue tit can fly once again. Early signs have been fantastic, with the bird hopping around his incubator very happily!


After a little time to heal, we're delighted to say that this beautiful bird has made a full recovery!

With the power of flight now restored, this little rocket is now happily flying around one of our aviaries!

Hopefully, release will come soon!

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