This fox was relegated to the naughty list, this Christmas, after making it near enough impossible for our vet team to check how his foot is healing! Arriving with a severe foot injury that included a broken toe, exposing the bone, we think we'd be pretty grumpy, too.

After surgery to repair the damage, "Krampus" as he was appropriately nicknamed, had been inappropriately sharing his disdain for being in care, even snapping at our volunteers during the morning clean-outs. Who could blame him, though, he was in a strange place, with strange smells, and a poorly foot, when, really, all he wanted was to be out chasing the ladies.

After three weeks in care and some nervous staff and volunteers! Krampus was granted his Christmas wish.

With his foot all but completely healed, this feisty boy was ready to get back to whispering sweet nothings into his lady-friends' ears, and our vet team could breathe a little easier, knowing all their limbs were now safe and sound!