This fox almost lost her tail!

Updated 1 year ago
Rescue - 22nd December, 2023
Rehabilitation - 23rd December, 2023


Despite sending two rescuers out for red fox "Jam", as she was still a little mobile, the rescuers were pleasantly surprised to arrive and find her already contained in a carrier.

Using just a small amount of food, Jam couldn't resist, and walked into the carrier of her own accord.


Once at the hospital, our vet team saw that Jam had a pretty nasty tail injury and an infection to her right ankle. After taking some X-rays (thankfully, no bones were broken), the big concern was the amount of dead skin on Jam's tail.

But, never fear! We believe in giving our patients a fighting chance. So, after cleaning up the wound, vet nurse Kayleigh wrapped Jam's tail in a honey dressing and bandaged it up.

Jam was started on some pain relief, antibiotics, and fluids. Over the first few days, Jam was still a little bit dehydrated and confused, so required several days of fluids. Thankfully, she had a great appetite, and after a few days of rest, Jam was looking a lot stronger.

A week on, and several bandage changes later, Jam's still is a looking a lot cleaner and less sore. She also gaining some winter weight, having arrived weighing just 3kg (the average being 5kg).

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