Meet Walnut, our CUTEST patient, of the year!

Updated 2 months ago
Rescue - 9th January, 2025
Rehabilitation - 10th November, 2024


We interrupt our scheduled programming to bring you what could well be our cutest patient of the year, so far! Seriously, look at that face!

Heartbreakingly, this red-listed dormouse was found at the bottom of a recycling bin, a rather unusual nest choice for hibernation.

Usually curled up and snoozing in hollow tree branches or dense shrubs until around March, the bottom of a bin is no place to dwell in these freezing temperatures, so the caller got her to us, quick-smart.


Now in care, "Walnut" has become quite the WAF superstar, winning over everyone’s hearts with her endearing enjoyment of her food. On arrival she was checked over, weighed and given some much welcomed fluids.

After receiving advice from the Surrey dormouse group, Walnut will remain with us (under license as a protected species), where we have placed her in an artificial nest inside a secure pen, allowing her to re-enter hibernation.

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