Rescue - 30th January, 2025
Rehabilitation - 31st January, 2025
Over the last couple of weeks we have seen an increase in garden birds, and this redwing is certainly a rarity for us. As winter migrants, we don't often see this amber-listed species in care. But, when the cat brought the bird into the house, where the owner then discovered a plethora of feathers in her kitchen and feared the worst. Discovering the frightened bird trying to hide from its attacker, the owner was able to contain her and bring her to us.

Unfortunately the cat had halted this beautiful birds travels, and with a large wound to her back, and bruising to her shoulder, she was in need of treatment, if she stood a chance. The large tear on her back, required intricate suturing by vet, Raul.

With the wound breaking down, our vet team took to a new technique to try, laser therapy, to help the injury heal, and give the redwing the best chance of recovery. She will remain with us whilst her back heals, and she finishes her medications, and we thoroughly test-fly her agility, to ensure she will cope once released.