• Work Experience

Apply now!

It's great to see you are interested in a placement with us. A few quick points to read before you continue...

This form must be completed by the person applying using their contact details. Work experience placements are only available to those aged 16 years or over.

Placements are only available between April and September. Booking for 2025 opens in November, please revisit the website then.

You must have a valid tetanus vaccination prior to starting.

N.B. All applications will be reviewed equally; however, we always put the needs of our patients first. Therefore, if you do not disclose something on your application that may later affect your ability to care for our patients, then we reserve the right to cancel your placement with immediate effect.

Work Experience Application Form

This must be the email address of the student applying.


Please note Wildlife Aid is based in Leatherhead, Surrey so you must be within travelling distance.

This must be the email address of the student applying.

The minimum age for work experience is 16. There can be no exceptions.

Why would you like a placement at the Wildlife Aid Foundation?